Friday, October 24, 2008

Election News Update, Friday October 24/08

Well, things are starting to get interesting, more and more signs are going up and more and more people are trying to "out-guess" each other as to who the next Mayor will be!

I certainly hope that it is myself, I have a number of items and issues that require addressing, not the least of which is downtown parking, shopping hours and store closing. One of my pet peeves is the lack of policing during the day and also evening hours.

An issue that must be addressed is the lack of new development within the city core. Not enough is being done to attract developers interested in multi-family housing.

Another item that requires serious consideration is Regional Policing, how would it affect Duncan City and would there be savings over the present policing costs.

On October 29th there will be an "all-candidates" debate at the Equinox Restaurant, this debate is sponsored by the DBIAS and will feature ideas and issues pertaining to the downtown area.

More to follow:

I have been advised that the Trail Side Pub & Restaurant in Lake Cowichan is up for sale...asking $875,000.00, this facility is a winner for the right entrepeneur. Building is over 3800 sq. ft., 150 feet of waterfront with docks and swimming raft, fabulous views and a 65 plus seat neighborhood pub! What could be better! Even has a positive cash flow! See the photo at upper right.

If you want more information just drop me a line at

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday Oct. 15th, 2008

Great! The Federal election is now history and we can get on with the job of campaigning for Mayor.
Brochures will be out on friday, signs are made and ready to have placed at strategic locations around the city. Can't miss these babies, bright yellow background with medium blue lettering, what an "eyeful"!

Have had some calls from some of my Native friends, want to vote for me and do some canvassing door to door with brochures. Sure makes one feel good to know that there are people who appreciate you and want to help.

Tomorrow we start in earnest to get committee volunteers organized and start our visits to downtown businesses.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday October 9th, 2008

Invited to an early meeting with members of BNI, an organization comprised of business people. The meeting started at 7 AM and was very well attended, some 30 members attended. The organization is designed to allow business people to exchamge ideas and information about their products and services.

I was pleased to be able to introduce my company, Pacific Horizon Consultants, and explain what we did in the roofing and coating line. It was a most interesting and informative meeting.

Later in the morning Asley a reporter from the Citizen Newspaper interviewed me by phone regarding my decision to run for Mayor.
I e-mailed the reporter from the Cowichan Leader expressing thanks for the coverage in the Wednesday paper and stating I was not impressed with the photo used.

The rest of the day was spent on a tar & gravel roof, prepping and getting ready for a coating to be applied today. I will be traveling to Nanaimo tomorrow to seal a leak in the Nanaimo North Town Center roof, (formerly the Rutherford Mall).

More news tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Federal all-candidates debate, Oct. 7/08

Attended the all-candidates meeting at the Cowichan Theatre last night, not much new coming out, basically the same old stuff, promises of more spending, tax cuts, drug control and a crack-down on pushers....a good turnout though, estimated some 500 people turned out.

Had meetings with a few downtown business people yesterday, many are not happy with the lack of action downtown. Those that I spoke with along the T/C Highway are even more unhappy, the Provincial Govt. Highways Dept. is threatening to close off left turn access lanes to their businesses, we cannot let that happen. These businesses rely heavily on driveby traffic, to curtail access would be a catastrophe.

Improvements can be made to facilitate a much faster flow of traffic on the T/C, during busy times it takes approximately 15 to 18 minutes to get from Beverly St. to the Silver Bridge, I will be working on that one!

More stuff tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Municipal Election, City of Duncan

I have decided to throw my hat into the ring for the office of Mayor for the City of Duncan....
It has been a number of years since I served in that position, however, I feel there are some issues important to the residents of Duncan that need addressing.
Many streets have been neglected, new development has come to a standstill, there are environmental issues that have to be addressed and there must be more dialogue with our neighbors to the South & North Cowichan Municipality.

I want to implement a program that benefits all citizens, not just the business people. We must work to create a more vibrant, safe and healthy community.

My pledge is to work hard to bring about a positive future for our children & our grandchildren.