Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Federal all-candidates debate, Oct. 7/08

Attended the all-candidates meeting at the Cowichan Theatre last night, not much new coming out, basically the same old stuff, promises of more spending, tax cuts, drug control and a crack-down on pushers....a good turnout though, estimated some 500 people turned out.

Had meetings with a few downtown business people yesterday, many are not happy with the lack of action downtown. Those that I spoke with along the T/C Highway are even more unhappy, the Provincial Govt. Highways Dept. is threatening to close off left turn access lanes to their businesses, we cannot let that happen. These businesses rely heavily on driveby traffic, to curtail access would be a catastrophe.

Improvements can be made to facilitate a much faster flow of traffic on the T/C, during busy times it takes approximately 15 to 18 minutes to get from Beverly St. to the Silver Bridge, I will be working on that one!

More stuff tomorrow.

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