Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday December 15th, 2008

Remember I said that it was trying to snow on Saturday? Well we got a bucket-ful!

Woke up to about 15 inches of "white stuff" and promptly went out and shoveled the to get rid of it some how! Tempertaure hovering around minus 5 and a windchill factor of of around -12....made for a very cold morning here in "paradise"!

Posted all my letters, met with Leigh Davies our laywer over a legal matter, had to replace my rear tires as they were worn out and installed a pair of snow tires.....

Got hme around 1:30 PM and I am now sitting at my computer expounding on all the great things that have happened over the past few days. It has been exciting to say the least!

But in spite of the weather we are really looking forward to having a Merry Christmas...I seldom drink but I might be coaxed into a wee drop of Scotch on Christmas Eve. We will see!

Saturday December 13th, 2008

Must be our lucky day! Trying to snow! You want a white Christmas? Move to the North Pole!
For me? I don't care if I never see another snowflake again!

Visited with mother this morning, she didn't recognize me, not until I knocked on the wall in the bathroom after about 30 minutes of trying to tell her who I was.
She said that she thought someone was wanting in and I should open the door, it might be "Jim". I played along and opened the door, stuck my head around the corner and watched her eyes widen as she "recognized " me....she said "I knew that was you"....well the last half hour was better than the first! We had a nice visit.

Friday December 12th, 2008

Wrote out Christmas cards all day yesterday, didn't know we knew so many people!

Dropped a checque off for Clyde today, also the invoices for the two adjoining roofs.

Started to snow today, supposed to come down heavy over the next couple of days, just finished that roof job in time!

Tonight we are going to Lake Cowichan for dinner with Lynn & Leighton Nutt, I like visiting them, they have the cutest damn dog, she is a Jack Russell and for some insane reason wants to jump up and all over me! Love it! If we ever decide to have a dog I will insist that we get a Jack Russell!

Tuesday December 9th, 2008

The cleanup wqent well, we dropped all the old flashing off the roof, lowered down the pails of garbage and then went for coffee.

The scrap metal flashing matewrial went to Harper's scrap yard while the pails of roof felt etc, went to the garbage dump.

Gave Clyde a ride home and finished by 1:30 PM....

December 8th, 2008

Monday morning, bright and early and cold! Installing the new perimeter flashing and screwing down the brackets and clamps etc..

Re-installed the aluminum flashing on the "front" roof's north side, this was removed to enable us to get under the old flashing. For some reason the old flashing was left on, this created a couple of problems. The biggest problem was the use of "tar" as a sealant, "tar" has no flexibilty and once it has "hardened" it cracks wide open. There are a number of "caulking" compounds that have up to 400% stretchability, simply put it means that the elasticity will allow extensive expansion and contraction due to heat and cold weather conditions.

Screws were used to ensure that overlapping joints were securely fastened.

All work is now complete and tomorrow is cleanup day.

December 5th, 2008

Picked up the new flashing today, cost a few bucks more than anticipated but looks great. We will install on Monday, the perimeter is completely sealed and looks great!

My assistant Clyde, is busy developing new muscles, the pails of product (55 lb each) only have to go up about 16 feet, we use a rope and they are "bombed up" hand over hand. Clyde is a great guy and never complains.

We went to Hi-way Rental's building and cleaned the roof of debris and cleaned the drains. We have a contract to do this twice a year, it is a preventive maintenance feature that we provide to our customers, at a cost of course!

December 3rd, 2008

What a job! Stripped off the old flashing and commenced with the sealing process. The entire roof mat along the side wall was wide open, why roofers can't do their job properly is beyond me!
One plugged drain and you have flooding inside the wall below, who is responsible?

Had a great meeting with Allan W., he is putting together an application for compensation for an old Army wound, happened in Korea in 1954. I believe that it will take awhile to get a response, Government agencies are not known for their expediency!

December 2nd, 2008

We have finally completed the roof repairs on the "front" roof portion and now will concentrate on the "back" roof area.
This will require removing all the old flashing that has deteriorated over the years and replacing with new galvanized flashing. Once that has been completed we will completely seal the perimeter. The tenant below has reported a number of leaks along the inside walls, we will eliminjate that problem over the next few days.

Paul of Millstone Sheet Metal has quoted on the cost of new flashing and we have been given the go-ahead by the building owner.

November 28th, 2008

Damn cold work on the roof job, can't seem to keep warm, working in water that is laying along the sides. We have removed the old flashing and sealed the perimeter of the "front" roof, what a miserable job. The roof mat was bent out and had set in that position due to the placement of the outer flashing, once that was removed we sealed the mat and glued it back to the wall. Concrete pads 12" X 12" were placed against the sealed mat to ensure a tight bond.

We will take Friday off and enjoy a "long" weekend.

November 18th, 2008

Back at work! Time to make some money before Christmas rolls around. Started on a roof repair job for Gurski Management. The building is located in downtown Duncan and is in a poor state of repair.
Repairs are going to consist of removing the flashing around the perimeter and sealing the existing roof mat and attaching to the walls, this will prevent water from seeping down under the mat and into the premises below.

Extensive damage occured last year due to openings and plugged drains. At least we know how to correct that.

November 15th...Municipal Election Day

Well it is all over, the votes have been counted and the voters have chosen to re-elect the current Mayor. They have also elected two new Councillors, Joe Thorne & Tom Duncan, it is hoped, and we pray, that they will step up to the plate and do a fine job.

I was not totally disappointed with the results, however, I was extremely disappointed with the voter turn-out. To think that less than 30% (28.2%) turned out to vote, while 71.8% couldn't bother, what apathy! There had better not be too many complaints over the next three years!

Anyway it was a rewarding experience for me, I managed to meet up with a lot of old friends and shared stories with some of our past aquaintances, it was most interesting.
We now have to get on with the rest of our lives and forget about politics, that was the last time for me!